Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Where's your Happy Place?

Where’s your Happy Place?

You probably think that this is a trick question, but ummm, no. It’s quite the contrary, thinking, dreaming, even closing your eyes and envisioning can help with a bad attitude. Now, I’m not saying, it takes you from a not so happy mood to a heart that leaps for joy but something like that. Thinking of where you’d like to be or what you’d like to be doing can actually release squirts of jolly juice in your brain called serotonin.
I find that creating goals for myself helps me deal with a sad mood, whether I’m telling myself, “Self, at the end of the week you’re getting a pedicure and lunch” or “Self, you deserve that handbag that you’ve been eyeing”. In other words, when all else fails, I totally pamper myself! Although, they’re have been times when the pampering doesn’t help and I need something else, such as a spiritual pick-me up, I turn to nature. Nature has done for me what I couldn’t do for myself, I find myself feeling grateful as opposed to burdened and healthy as opposed to helpless. There’s something about meditating in Gods creation that sets the spirit free, I find a private area, whether it be in a park or my backyard and breathe in deeply. Taking deep breaths not only relieves tension but it helps to realign the body’s chakras, which can release negative toxins in the body, try it sometime and let me know what you think!

Monday, October 13, 2014


This blog is dedicated to any and everyone that has gone through a difficult, scary, funny, awkward or embarrassing even situation in life without any guidance, just totally "off the cuff".   I know there’s been times when you seriously wonder, “How the hell will I move on from this?" or “OMG, this couldn’t happened to a better person”.  Well, here's an idea, post a simple story, it doesn't have to be a personal, and it could even be about someone else. The idea is, to share your experience in hopes that you can teach someone else how to COPE.

Ready, set, me first… being the mother of a seventeen year old girl has it ups, down, downsssss, however, no one or nothing prepares you for what’s about to happen next because, the truth is, no one knows. As you sit back and watch, everyone who is anyone, giving you aimless advice, which actually failed him or her in the past, but for the sake of having a logical reason to speak, they waste time that you don’t have. My chosen coping method is making light of my situation as best and as frequent as I can. In life nothing goes as planned but at least I can control I receive it and what I do about it. Teenager girls are unpredictable little creatures that can start off really sweet like the outside of a sour patch kid (I’m terribly not kidding). Now, don’t get me wrong my daughter is my special sweetheart while simultaneously making me research how much it would cost in money and time, to get her on the next train to Mars. Scary huh?